Protection Hawkeye

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Hawkeye - Not your typical Protection 11 8 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Ashcarr · 246

Based on my initial list of Protection Hawkeye, I have now played this deck through two player Expert Rhino, Klaw, Mutagen Formula, Crossbones, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster, Zola, and Red Skull to success.

This is a Protection deck built around staying aggressive while keeping the team almost permanently tough or the villain stunned.

There's only a few choices in here worth mentioning that may not be obvious.

All three Momentum Shift gives just enough healing between the stuns and tough status to keep him in Hawkeye almost all game while sticking to being aggressive and clearing threats.

The Night Nurse ensures that even when stunned you can keep firing arrows. Being able to fire two arrows every turn after the first time through the deck is paramount to success.

Tenacity will often sit in play most games and not get used, but becomes clutch when a hand of nothing but arrows presents itself which does happen occasionally.

This is the only Protection deck I've ever actually used The Power of Protection as there are 9 Protection events that are all resource hungry so it rarely, if ever, becomes a dead draw.

Down Time isn't really needed in the deck, but it is a nice passive upgrade to minimize time spent recovering after some brutal villain rounds and thinning the deck.

Hawkeye's bad stats and lack of build support has always made him feel weak, but I promise with this deck in multiplayer you'll never feel like you were holding the team back and will often be a crutch that the rest of the team leans on.


May 06, 2021 rstorcdk · 4977

Cool deck. I tried it against Mutagen Formula on heroic. I lasted 3 turns :D

May 07, 2021 Ashcarr · 246

To be fair, it is listed as a multiplayer deck. I don't think there's saving solo Hawkeye. xD