Black Panther Protection - Revolving door accident

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Incredibul · 3314

Be like the revolving door. If someone pushes you, take the energy and redirect it.

Be like the revolving door. Always in motion.

Eye for an Eye We all have been there. Bought the coreset, "Let's try this suggested Black Panther Protection Deck", getting humiliated by Rhino Standard. (ok, perhaps you have not been there, you snobbish "oh I never use preconstructed decks, that is below me" card game veteran. But you surely reassured countless "Does Black Panther really suck that hard" noobz on reddit that Protection is the problem, not Black Panther, so you know what I am talking about).

It's time to face your traumatic experience. This is the Black Panther Protection Deck you didn't know you would want.

Stop trying to be cool. Here is a gameplan to follow. Yeah yeah, everyone plays those hot new heroes. Quick Witch, Scarlet Silver, Grocket, Root, whatever. Let's bring some old school action into the game. Bring in the KING.

Play Multiple Man, Iron Fist and Nick Fury to buy yourself time. Time to build your 12 Upgrades and be the best door there is (ok, I'm cheating here, Energy Barrier is a consumable, but just buy it everytime it comes up). Your own Retaliation 1 gets a level up with Dauntless (cheat that hitpoint restriction with Endurance and heal up with Vibranium Suit to get it to work) and Electrostatic Armor. Free 3 Damage to the Villain. You don't even need to damage him, just stand there like a door, and when he tries to enter OUCH. You get the idea.

Your 25 cards endgame deck is sick. With 5 Wakanda Forever!, and 6 double Ressources, you bring those Allies and Wakanda Foreevers every turn and play those Defense Events like there is no tomorrow. And stop whining because of that Encounter card you draw when your deck is empty. Just smite whatever is under that card. The villain won't keep up in Tempo. Have you done the math of Wakanda Forever!? You pay one for pure value that you on top of that can modify as you need. It's valuetown forever, that's what it is.

Some word about your BFFs Man, Iron Fist is such a cool guy. Who needs powers like Speed of Light or Invulerability if you have a friggin' GLOWING FIST that SMACKS even the most powerful villains so hard they see stars. Bring him out in the beginning to buy you 2 turns of building your suit and Protection Upgrades.

Or bring out Multiple Man, Multiple Man and Multiple Man. That guy is a blast. Just invite him for your Boardgame Evening for any playercount, or go partying in the hottest clubs with just that one guy and feel like the good old times when you actually had friends. Got one in the discard? Don't be greedy, that is still two Meat Shields. Or be greedy and use Ancestral Knowledge to set up a better Multiple Man turn in the future. Early game, he buys you two turns to build up your suit. Late game, he thins down your Deck by two cards and you know what that means. Wakanda Forever!!

And yeah, Nick Fury has to come, too. Draw those Wakanda Forever! and Vibranium and profit.

Nova? Yes please. Look at his outfit, that's the king of the dancefloor, all with his own light system (yes, he can go into disco mode, not that cheap one where you switch the Light Switch on and off as fast as you can). What's that? The villain attacks you? Eat those 2 damage and then take 3 more from Retaliate/Dauntless/Electrostatic Armor.

Sad Villains This deck should be able to clear all expert villains. And yeah, try heroic if that's too easy. Ok, Ronan is hard because his multiple attacks tap into your weakness, but you can win this, too. Just play those Allies to buy you time.

And yeah, you're like that 007 Agent, but with more ass-kicking capabilities. At the beginning of the game, you get a fancy gimmick that YOU can chose. For your gameplan, Vibranium Suit is best, but value wise you should probably use Panther Claws - Valuetown Forever does 4 damage for 1 with it. But of course, there are special cases. Especially in solo, Tactical Genius gives you a cheap thwart option. Against Ultron, it's Energy Daggers of course.

So that's it. I have insane fun with this deck. I hope you will, too. Wakanda Forever!