Star-Lord - Basic Bitch

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BobaHoTep · 21

You're so basic Quill! 16 basic cards and only 9 leadership cards make this more of a Basic deck than anything else. 2 The Power in All of Us, 2 The Power of Leadership and Energy Strength and Genius along with Helicarrier ensure there is lots of resource generation which means you can avoid taking on too many encounter cards early on letting you build up board state.

Amongst a crew of 9 allies, the undisputed MVP is Yondu if you can get him built up with Inspiredand Laser Blaster he hits for 3 indefinitely. The full complement of Blaze of Glory paired with Knowhere and C.I.T.T allows you to build up to 4 allies and let them do massive damage without ever having to play Sliding Shot or take an encounter card.

In short, this deck lets Quill take fewer chances, lean on the other Guardians for the win, and to only take a big risk when it guarantees victory. Not very thematic, but turns a very risky deck into something more manageable that might even be top-tier!


May 24, 2021 Bastionfour · 2

Nice. This is basically what I had too, other than including Iron Man and some Get Ready events.