Sadly, Champions did not get the combo potential that the Avengers, Guardians, or X-Men got, with the exception of the insane "Go for Champions!" card. Patriot gives a small bonus to a fellow Champion, but that only bumps him from below-average efficiency to average efficiency. Patriot was designed to combo with Go All Out or Push Ahead to take advantage of buffing each basic power of your hero, and this is perhaps the best use for him. A hero like Nova that can ready and use multiple basic powers a turn will get extra value from Patriot. The Falcon ally can help a bit in this regard too. Since the buff lasts to the end of the round, you can atk/thw and still defend with the +1 bonus. Even the most dedicated Champions deck would still probably be better playing a Mockingbird, Professor X, Hawkeye, or any number of great 3-cost allies now in the game, but that is a fun theme you can certainly do.
Rayshaun Lucas
Coste: 3.
Salud: 4.
Attack: 1.
Thwart: 2.
Respuesta de Héroe: después de que Patriota entre en juego, elige un personaje Campeón → ese personake recibe +1 a todos sus atributos básicos hasta el final de la ronda.
"Estoy rodeado de gente que se juega la vida por unos principios que la mayoría da por hechos."
Ironheart #16.
