I think this is an interesting card with Black Widow, as she has a couple of preparation cards which are Tech upgrades so she can play it very reliably. I tried out a deck which does this at marvelcdb.com
Acción de Héroe: descarta una Mejora Tecnología que controles → prepara tu Héroe y elige entre INT, ATQ o DEF. Hasta el final de la ronda, tu Héroe recibe +X en el atributo elegido, siendo X igual al coste impreso de esa Mejora.

Having just played a game to try out the starter deck, I don't think this is good for Peni. Discarding a tech is quite a cost, especially considering how most of them in your deck are your identity-specific ones which you need for your resources and abilities.
It's better if you have a deck where you don't mind throwing away cheap techs such as Energy Barrier which is fortunately in this deck. Building around it might not be too bad, but I can imagine other characters like Iron Man who have lots of tech out and can dig for them easily wouldn't mind playing this card. At the moment, I think it's very awkward and unless you build around it, won't find its way into many decks.
This card is insanely good in either heroes with a lot of tech - Rocket Raccoon and Iron Man and for heroes with lots of ready Quicksilver, Peni Parker (came in this pack), Star-Lord,Venom and Colossus for instance. For those heroes without the tech, you build around their deck with the tech. Then it's a matter of timing to get the tech set up for repurpose and some ready actions to turn into some ridiculous turns.
Yes, it's a situational card that you have to build for, but it's fun.