Path of Least Resistance (Black Widow Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Path of Least Resistance (Black Widow Justice) 1 1 0 1.0
Black Widow Justice 0 0 0 1.0
Path of Least Resistance (Black Widow Justice) duplicado 0 0 0 1.0

KingOfRohan · 4916

"Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path." - Natasha Romanoff

This deck focuses on creating a strong balance between Hero and Alter-Ego forms.


You will want to be in Alter-Ego form mainly to benefit from the extra hand size, Natasha's Mission Prep ability for extra card draw, and the extra Preparation card from Safe House #29.

Note that Covert Ops can be used in either form to remove threat and confuse the enemy. Concussive Blow can be used instead to confuse the enemy before switching to Alter-Ego form. Counterintelligence can prevent threat easily when needed and Spycraft can be used to skip the Advance encounter card. Under Surveillance expands any scheme to a comfortable target number you will likely never reach. Winter Soldier and Agent Coulson can thwart for you while you remain in Alter-Ego form. Quake can exhaust to wound or kill minions as they scheme. Espionage can be triggered in Alter-Ego form to set up for a huge turn in Hero form, especially if you're holding two copies of Dance of Death.


Your main reason for being in hero form is to deal huge damage with Dance of Death, to wound and confuse the villain with Concussive Blow, and to trigger huge chains of Preparation cards and deal damage each time with Black Widow's Widowmaker ability. Widow's Bite, Grappling Hook, Attacrobatics, and Target Acquired are all pretty straightforward, but just remember you can use them when they would be most helpful for their base effect (like using Grappling Hook to cancel Advance) or when you need to deal damage with Widowmaker (so you could use Grappling Hook to cancel a less dangerous card just to get the damage).

Don't forget Black Widow's Gauntlets can be used in Hero form, too, though you will typically use it before switching into Hero form on a turn or after switching into Alter-Ego form to make sure you use Natasha's Mission Prep.

Keep switching back and forth nearly every turn, setting up for a couple big turns to take down the villain's stage one and then a few turns later another couple of big turns to take down the villain's stage two. Because of her Preparation cards and all of the threat-handling tools in her arsenal, Black Widow can survive with the villain in second stage for longer than the typical hero, which is necessary because she doesn't have access to the same level of punch as cards like Swinging Web Kick or Supersonic Punch.

"Thank you for your cooperation." - Black Widow


Jun 11, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4916

Expert Ultron was the easiest he’s ever been with this deck.

At higher difficulty scenarios, you may want to switch out Avenger’s Mansion for Quincarrier or any other useful card.