Asgard's Mightiest Heroes (Valkyrie Aggression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Moby · 4829

Valkyrie is finally here and she brought friends!

The Bifrost is an incredible card. Get it down early, and tutor your Asgardian allies out of your deck directly to the battlefield. Need to soak up a hit from the villain? Bring out Throg (who gets a tough status if you are engaged with a minion). Need to clear out a bunch of minions? Bring out Thor and watch him strike down every minion on the field with his ability. Low on resources? Bring out Angela for 0 cost and get a juicy target for your Death-Glow.

Side note: I think it is still up in the air whether you can include the Valkyrie ally, since she does not have the Brunnhilde subtitle - so "technically" you could include her? I'm not sure. There are many Valkyries (but the art is clearly Brunnhilde, so personally I don't play her).

Mean Swing is an easy include for Valkyrie because her Dragonfang and Valkyrie's Spear are both weapons that otherwise just sit there.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes is also a great card for Valkyrie. You can get her to 5 attack with Dragonfang and Combat Training, and if you attach Death-Glow to the villain that is an easy 10 damage if you have Blade or another avenger ally.

Hall of Heroes is also naturally synergistic with Valkyrie, since she wants to be killing minions and then flipping to alter-ego to move her Death-Glow around.

It is up to you whether you want to keep Death-Glow attached to the villain and focus on doing big damage, or prioritize killing minions for Valhalla and Hall of Heroes activations. Unfortunately Valkyrie struggles a bit in balancing between the two so it is usually better to just focus on one strategy.

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May 11, 2023 Schnautza · 52

This deck paired with a Gambit justice deck just sliced through Taskmaster like a warm knife thru butter. Both heroes were able to almost exclusively focus on only attack or thwart, and Valk successfully charged up hall of heroes by turn 2, generating a lot of extra card economy early in the game. Haven't had this much fun playing Valkyrie before, so thanks for a great deck!