Gamora - Perfected 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Gamora - Confusingly Stunning (Undefeated on Expert) 393 331 17 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

MiguelCantillo3 · 11133

English / Spanish

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Deck Target:

The deck consists of continuously stunning and confusing. This idea has been used in Gamora due to its versatility to create decks by adding events from other aspects, being able to include in this hero a high number of cards that change the villain's state. I invite you to improve the deck.


In order to boost her ability, in both hero and alter-ego, Gamora needs to incorporate as many attack and intervention events as possible.

Must have Martial Prowess to save one resource per turn, since all attack events were chosen. Additionally, Concussive Blow, Relentless Assault, as well as Tackle require a physical resource to deal three additional damage. Press the Advantage Take advantage of status cards on the enemy. And lastly, Clobber combos with Gamora's Sword just like any other card.

Strengthen the dynamic through two allies like Spider-Girl and Mockingbird. Cosmo pairs nicely with Gamora being able to know the top card of the deck as an alter-ego, and thus remain in play indefinitely.


Dropped Drop Kick as it only requires physical resources and ends up being too situational. I think it's more made for the Hulk. And Plan of Attack not comboing with Gamora's Sword and needing to add Clobber to add some more damage.

Gamora was also tested with justice, however too much intervention sometimes went to waste as opposed to too much physical damage, as well as other reasons like attack event cards.

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Objetivo del Mazo:

El mazo consiste en stunear y confundir continuamente. Se ha utilizado esta idea en Gamora por su versatilidad para crear mazos añadiendo eventos de otros aspectos, pudiendose incluir en este heroe un número elevado de cartas que cambian el estado del villano. Te invito a que mejores el mazo.


Para potenciar su habilidad, tanto en héroe como en alter-ego, Gamora necesita incorporar el mayor número posible de eventos de ataque e intervención.

Imprescindible Martial Prowess para ahorrar un recurso por turno, ya que se eligieron todos los eventos ataque. Además, Concussive Blow, Relentless Assault, al igual que Tackle necesitan de un recurso físico para hacer tres daños adicionales. Press the Advantage aprovecha las cartas de estado en el enemigo. Y por último, Clobber comba con Gamora's Sword al igual que el resto de cartas.

Refuerza la dinamica a través de dos aliados como Spider-Girl y Mockingbird. Cosmo se complementa estupendamente con Gamora pudiendo conocer la carta superior del mazo en alter-ego, y así, permanecer indefinidamente en juego.


Se descartó Drop Kick por requerir únicamente recursos físicos y acabar siendo muy situacional. Pienso que está más hecha para Hulk. Y Plan of Attack al no combar con Gamora's Sword y necesitar añadir Clobber para añadir algo más de daño.

También se probó a Gamora con justicia, sin embargo, un exceso de intervención a veces quedaba desaprovechado al contrario que un exceso de daño físico, además de otras razones como las cartas de evento ataque.