Evolve into Venusaur

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Mega Venusaur 0 0 0 1.0

ToneeTales · 5225

The second Vision deck I built which is highlighted in my Vision Review:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UcgVGoJEbY

THE CONCEPT is to use the new card Chance Encounter to churn through your deck quickly and set up all your resource generators in one deck pass, and then use resource generators and tutoring from Density Control to spam Solar Beams and Superdense Strike

Justice used to be all about buying more time for you to build and set up your damage. With One Way or Another, Chance Encounter into Nick Fury along with staples Clear the Area and Skilled Investigator, Justice is now able to do some serious Deck Acceleration.

Vision may not be the best candidate for deck acceleration justice, but similar to deck acceleration in Leadership which works well with all the cast but amazing for some heroes. I feel like vision falls into the former.

EARLY GAME you try and land the combo a few times and then play all your upgrades/supports Thecombo: One-way or another-> Chance Encounter-> Clear the area or Multitasking -> Nick Fury

Sense of justice can be used to pay for solar beam regardless of whether you attack or thwart because it's THWART traited. With the combination of any 3 of either: solar gem, quincarrier, deft focus, and sense of justice, you can play Solar Beam at zero cost.

In the LATE GAME you will be able to use this discount plus tutoring events with Density Control to finish off the villain in a flurry of Solar Beams and Superdense Strikes


Mar 29, 2022 Frenky_fisher · 9

am i missing something??why is blade in there?? is there any special reason for max number of chance encounter and 0 number of turn the tide?? tnx