Vision - My Justice Draws All The Cards To My Yard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Paradigm · 2

What's better than the cards in your hand? The cards you haven't drawn yet!

When playing this deck, your key goal is to Draw. More. Cards. When you draw your hand you should look at it and ask yourself "How many more cards can I see before this turn is over?" Nick Fury is in your hand? Play him, draw three. There's already a side scheme in play? One Way or Another for another scheme so you can draw three! Find a way to tee up Clear the Area, defeat a side scheme, and draw a card! The only real exception to this is make sure to get out your resource cards Solar Gem, Deft Focus, Sense of Justice as early as you're able.

This deck is truly built around One Way or Another. What a great double edged card. Hugely powerful upside, but a truly bad downside if you're not in control of it. Always remember: With great power comes please-don't-screw-over-your-fellow-players.

This general idea could work on a few heroes, but it really shines on Vision for a few reasons. The first is Lay Down the Law. Most heroes have to flip up from Alter-Ego in order to trigger the "change form" condition, but Antman, Wasp, Spectrum, and now Vision all have methods of triggering this without starting the turn in Alter-Ego: just change from Dense to Intangible, or Intangible to Dense. It's a For Justice! that costs one fewer resource. For Justice! is already good. Lay Down the Law is better. I don't see a point in playing Surprise Attack or Lay Down the Law in a deck where 4 turns out of 5 I'm not going to be able to play it. But on Vision? Switch from Intangible to Dense form (which, hey guess what, draws you a card!) and play Lay Down the Law as a response!

In addition to the above, Vision's kit just puts in the work. 5 Cards that do big damage (Solar Beam and Superdense Strike), and 5 cards that do big Thwart (Solar Beam again and Just Passing Through, the latter with the added bonus that it ignores Crisis icons, which can really get you out of a jam if you One Way Or Another yourself into a Crisis corner). One Way Or Another draws a massive amount of cards compared to the cost, but if you can't put in the work and clean up your own mess, you're going to drown yourself in schemes.

It's entirely possible to One Way Or Another a side scheme into play (drawing three), then attach a Chance Encounter, where you'll find a way to Clear the Area that side scheme away (drawing one more), triggering both Skilled Investigator (one more card) and the Chance Encounter (search your deck and discard for an Ally to add to your hand) that you just attached, for a grand total of 6 fresh cards over what you started the phase with, and it only cost you 3 cards plus one resource. Brilliant! That is good math in any card game you'll ever play.

There are relatively few allies in the deck, but between Chance Encounter and 616 Hickory Branch Lane, you're not going to be hurting that much. The main reason for including Machine Man is so there's something for you to find with your quaint little cottage even if Vivian is already in play. Ironheart, meanwhile, should be self explanatory.

Two important notes: I wouldn't use One Way Or Another in a 3 or 4 player game. In 4p, schemes are often coming in with 7-10 scheme, which is mathematically more than you're going to get from a 3 card draw. One Way Or Another is really going to shine in a 1 or 2 player game. The other thing you have to keep in mind with One Way Or Another is that it only searches the Encounter Deck! You don't get to pull Side Schemes from the Encounter Discard. Paying attention to what schemes you've seen and how thin the Encounter deck is will matter, as if you play One Way Or Another and there are no Side Schemes to reveal, you just spent a card and gained 0 cards. You have to do everything before the arrow on a card --> In order to do everything after the arrow. You don't get to draw the cards without paying the cost of revealing a Side Scheme.

Feel Like Making A Change?

  • I made this deck for 2-player, and sharing the wealth is always nice. If solo, for sure take out a Skilled Investigator.

  • The newer villains all seem to have nasty Boost effects on their encounter cards, and occasionally cancelling one can be really helpful. Feel free to swap Wraith for your favorite Justice ally, or remove it entirely.

  • If you're hurting for damage or playing Solo, remove some combo of Skilled Investigator, Wraith, Crew Quarters, or Endurance, and add in two copies of Followed.

Overall, this is a straightforward deck that doesn't require a lot in order to ramp up. As long as you follow your guiding light of trying to draw more and more cards you're going to find that you always have options for useful moves to make, and have a lot of fun while doing it!