Ghost-Spider - Back to basic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

stilonxy · 5704

A more detailed text in the making.

First and foremost. Quincarrier is obviously replaced with Helicarrier :)

The idea is very straightforward: abuse Ghost-Spider's Dizzying Reflexes. George Stacy allows you to set up some huge turns with Mean Swing, Skilled Strike & Ghost Kick. Ghost Spider is very squishy so chump blocking is your friend. Save Moment of Triumph on George Stacy for on demand healing. Also, worth using The Best Defense… even w/o Combat Training. Lockjaw, Blade and Machine Man for card dumping when George Stacy is exhausted.

You can add Enhanced Awareness if you want to up the chances of playing Web Binding.

Expect some tweaks. Cheers!


Apr 09, 2022 qaarky · 1

Such a no brainer to include The Best Defense…. Well done!