Jess and Carol, Friends Forever

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Larnth · 39

The Core of the Deck

The main idea for this deck is to suit up Carol with all her favorite accessories, then go to town! You'll take care of your friend when she's in danger with the power of your trusty med team and your plethora of stuns!

She'll be as good as, or better than, most heroes base actions any given turn - and she should be! She's your BFF!


You want to mulligan hard for Multiple Man - he enables you to quickly get through your deck!

If you can get a turn 1 Multi-man, you're well on your way to using Strength In Numbers to gather a load of cards each turn! With that and the power of Carol to draw you three additional cards per turn (max, with the power of her bike and blimp) - you're going to be spoiled with resources!

Card Options


Captain Marvel - The card this deck is more or less built around! She, when fully buffed, is drawing you three cards per turn and attacking or thwarting for 15/9! Even if she thwarts for 9 instead of attacking, she's going to deal 3 damage to something with her power gloves! What an absolute powerhouse!

Multiple Man - This guy is here for early-game cycling with Strength In Numbers and can later be used for chump-blocking big attacks!

Stinger - Doesn't count against ally limit - and beefs up the Strength In Numbers and gives another chump blocker.


Strength In Numbers - As stated earlier, this is how we churn through our deck for the first cycle really quickly to get Carol in action and fully accessorized!

Tackle - Some additional damage potential, but more importantly provides you another stun you can use! We run The Power of Protection for this, multiple man, and med team - although it can also be used for her signature card Contaminant Immunity.


Command Team - Used to ready Carol for more card draws and spicy attack/thwarts!

Med Team - Used to keep Carol healthy as well as to help heal your team members (or yourself!) once you've got Carol nicely covered.

Quincarrier - Drawing a lot of cards means playing a lot of cards - you'll like the resource.


Deft Focus - All of our signature cards we can't pay for with The Power of Protection are superpowers - and this will help us pay for them more easily to do multiple actions a turn.

Inspired - First piece of Carol's outfit, gives us +1/+1!

Power Gloves - Second piece of Carol's outfit, makes every action she performs deal a damage to something! Great for taking out weak minions or just incremental damage on the villain.

Reinforced Suit - Carol's dress - great for giving her more of a cushion of health so she can more freely perform multiple actions in a turn. There may be times where you need to heal your team members or yourself instead of Carol, and this lets you do that.

Sidearm - Carol always carries her trusty piece of steel - which gives her immunity to retaliation from villains and minions! Also gives her a little more umph in her attacks!

Sky Cycle - Carol's bike! Lets her do at least two actions a turn, which is two cards drawn!


Apr 14, 2022 Fry · 248

Using Multiple Man to turn on Strength In Numbers and Band Together is clever. Nice deck!

Apr 14, 2022 Larnth · 39

Thanks! I saw someone else mention using multiple man with strength in numbers and I thought "why not also band together?.... and why not make captain marvel the true star of the show?"