Nebula - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

Nebula is intended to be played so that she flips between hero and alter-ego often so that she can leverage the extra-draws in alter-ego form and gain the strength of her hero character. Her biggest challenge is that she cannot control how the techniques and Lethal Intent cards come out. You can get a fistful of Lethal Intent with no techniques in play or you can get Cutthroat Ambition while threat is under control or Weapon Master with a boatload of Tough minions and not have Cutthroat Ambition in play.

Yet - when the cards to fall out right - this is music. Play a technique, draw cards, play another technique, switch forms, play Lethal Intent, rinse and repeat. Getting Combat Ready when the deck is almost exhausted is another handy timing event.

If the deck does not work well - then Nebula will need to fall back to her main cards and her allies are the next strong point.

  • Venom can be very good when Nebula has Cutthroat Ambition, Crisis Averted or Lay Down the Law in hand - removing all threat from the main scheme makes Flash a strong 3 ATK hitter.
  • Eros - bit of a chump block, but it is very useful when Nebula needs to change forms to Alter-Ego - bring him out, confuse the Villain (pay with a resource) and the next turn switch back to hero form and let Eros chump block after having thwarted for 2.
  • Gamora - great coming out of Alter-Ego or while in Alter-Ego - to get one more cycle from the in-play techniques
  • Wraith - he is ok - can attack once then block or remove boost cards twice then block - but he will not lead Nebula to victory.

The rest of the cards are fillers. Foiled! and Multitasking will get use as they don’t cost a lot. Stealth Strike, Concussive Blow and even Sense of Justice will find their way to the play area only under unique situations - especially with Nebula having only 6 Thwart cards in the deck hence Nebula's Ship is far more useful when spending 2 points to get out. Even Knowhere may be a better play if that card lets you draw another Technique card.

Again - Nebula is a really good second hero to another Guardian as she can bring scheme control to the table and enough hitting power and allies to pull her own weight, but will not strike fear into the baddest of villains on her own and her nemesis makes her ally a potential enemy so watch out for Shadow of the Past