Kamala's Law

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromundaman · 112

The idea here is to have a deck that can contribute equally well from hero and AE, allowing you to use Kamala's ridiculous AE resource generation every turn, even in large group games, without it causing issues for everyone else. The key to doing this is in SHIELD cards which can activate in either form.

As in other Justice decks I've published recently, there are 3 Skilled Investigator cards so that more of the table can draw each time a side scheme is cleared. If you're playing a 1-2 player game, remove these as needed.


One of the most important conditions of this deck are the SHIELD batteries for Homeland Intervention and Global Logistics. To that end, we bring in Monica Chang, who pulls out more SHIELD cards. On top of that, we have Mockingbird, Nick Fury and Spider-Woman. Nick and Mockingbird bring other effects when they hit the table, helping justify playing them, and Spider-woman is just easy to play thanks to the confuses in the deck.

We also have Agent 13, but she will almost exclusively be used to re-ready something else. Use her and Field Agent together to maximize her impact. Admittedly, this only applies in hero form though.

Outside of SHIELD cards, we have Moon Girl, because no Champion deck should ever not have her. She's incredible card cycling and value.

Eros is situational. He allows you to put several confuses on the board at once, comboing well with Spider-Woman. I would suggest keeping him under Bruno Carrelli until you're ready to play Spider-Woman. Yes, that does mean in this deck we actually play and use Bruno Carrelli. Wild.

Alter-Ego gameplay

Ms Marvel's AE capabilities are incredible, which is why this deck exists in the first place. Obviously we want Nakia Bahadir and Aamir Khan on the table as soon as possible. Surprisingly, Bruno Carrelli is also useful in this deck to allow you to somewhat separate out your hero and AE cards, as well as set up combos for later turns. IMO the best things to put under him in this deck are Global Logistics, Eros or Spider-Woman for the combo, Mockingbird for an on-demand Stun, and potentially Moon Girl if you don't have blues on the turn you draw her. Homeland Intervention can also be stored for turns where you start in AE. Another option is to use Bruno Carrelli to store Sneak By, Red Dagger and Big Hands just to get them out of your deck, as while they're not bad, they're the least impactful cards in this deck.

Beyond that, most of your SHIELD gameplan works in either form, so you can enact a good portion of your gameplan from AE and exhausted if need be. Homeland Intervention and Surveillance Team also don't count as thwart cards, so while you can't Morphogenics it, it also means you can use them even if confused. Between these and your allies, you should get a ton of threat control even confused, exhausted and in AE.

In AE you have a ton of resource generation too, but keep in mind that while you have teen spirit, Aamir Khan, Helicarrier and Nakia Bahadir available, you must be in hero to use Government Liaison and Champions Mobile Bunker. This makes for interesting decision in that sometimes it's better to stay in AE and lose the hero resources, using the Government Liaison instead as SHIELD batteries, or switch to hero form for even more resources.

Hero Form Strategies

One of the coolest things (To me) about this deck is that it's one of the few I've used where I want both Embiggen! and Shrink. Shrink obviously helps a lot with Multitasking and Clear the Area (it does not affect Homeland Intervention as this is not a thwart event). Embiggen! makes Concussive Blow a lot more worthwhile to play, making it essentially a confusion dropkick without the card draw. Biokinetic Polymer Suit also ensures you always have a red resource for it. Big Hands and Sneak By can be played if you're in hero with nothing else to activate either Embiggen! or Shrink.

Sonic Rifle is also a good hero phase card as it allows you to confuse at will, helping you go back to AE and/or play Spider-Woman. I just really like this card.


Hope this write up helps give an idea of how this deck is supposed to play. This deck is very loosely themed on CRADLE using Kamala as the face of their law in comics. In this game, I find it's a great mix of high impact in each form, allowing you to flip guilt free as much as you want, even in high player counts. Between the threat removal, card draw for the table, deck manipulation (Your own, allies and villain), re-readying Heli to be available for teammates, and status effects, this deck plays an excellent support role. It's had a lot of success for me so far when I've run it.

This deck works especially well with Miles, who will feast with all the statuses you throw out. Generally it pairs well with any damage decks, and it helps the protection player out since they don't need to block for you too often and can focus on protecting others. It also helps out protection decks in allowing you to use Global Logistics to stack the encounter deck and plan the boosts or encounter cards ahead of time. This can also help Black Widow in general by ensuring she gets a treachery to activate Grappling Hook.

On the flip side, like all Ms Marvel decks, it pairs very poorly with Nova as it denies a core ally. It also doesn't synergize well with anyone else running a SHIELD deck. If someone else at the table needs Moon Girl, let them have it; we have plenty of card draw and resource generation without her.

Hope you enjoy the deck, and good luck at the tables.