Iron Man Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ryusora · 7

This deck beat Ronan expert together with spiderman protection.

The idea of the deck is quite simple, build your board and go rampage mode.

The introduction of cards like Quincarrier, Deft Focus and Ingenuity just made ironman even stronger! You will spend the first and probably the second turn just developing your board and since you have so much valuable upgrades, you dont need that much tech on board to go to your hero form, having 3 tech proved enough for me to flip to hero form on round 2 when i already have other 2 resource generation upgrades / supports.

At that point you are an incredible thwarter with just Heroic Intuition and Arc Reactor allowing you to thwart for 6 every turn, just insane. Keep controlling until you hit the point where you have like 10-15 cards on the board and then the rest of your deck is pretty much and you can quickly defeat the villain throwing a few Repulsor Blast and Supersonic Punch.

A few of the nuances of this deck Wraith is to counter some villains with nasty boost icons Mockingbird is just overall really good, i think it can be swapped out vs some villains but i just really like her in this deck. Foiled! is such a great card here, you can stay AE and prevent some threat and the card also have the sweet icon! Plasma Pistol is there so that you will always have something to fish with Stark Tower and of course the is aprecciated.

I dont think this deck would work well in solo, this is more of a hard carry type of deck, have your team hold the line for a few turns and then you can deal up to 40 damage in some crazy turns!

And i have tested things like meditations and power in all of us, those cards are just amazing to setup even faster your board, but then repulsor blast just became useless for me, the deck is full of non icons and that you will ruin the gameplan of this deck.