Full defense is the best defense

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bojkan9413 · 1

Hello! I play 3 man multiplayer with two of my friends when we can get together and I just have to say this about the deck:

Finally we have a hero where you can play as many defensive cards as possible and still be proactive. The closest thing I got to this was when I played Drax during the Galaxy's most wanted campaign and healed the other two so they could maximize output without having to be defensive and then having me do a few big hits whenever we had stabilized again.

This deck might not do the most damage or thwarting but it does both consistently which is great in a 3 player setting since the other two players can play the more greedy/spiky cards to deal with any big villain turns and not have to waste them where it's not as useful.

So, anyways, about playing the deck or at least some words about a few of the cards.

IT CAN PLAY Silk!!! Silk is great since, if you get into the rhythm, you never have to see Shadow of the Past or any possibly worse card from the encounter deck.

Early on I try to get cards that generate card advantage either through direct card draw or resources like George Stacy, Web-Bracelet, Unflappable and Nerves of Steel. The second copy of Web-Bracelet isn't as valuable as the first one until you have multiple of these pieces in play to be able to play a defense event as well as a Ghost-Spider event during the same turn so, at least in my first run through the deck, I don't prioritize playing the second copy.

If given the choice I also try to prioritize Hard to Ignore over Electrostatic Armor and Flow Like Water since our thwarting power isn't that great until we've thinned our deck and can start using Phantom Flip more often. Most turns we still get the opportunity to basic attack so we can deal some damage to help with minions or push the villain slowly but surely. Like I said earlier, being able to do some of both helps to make the turns play out smoother which is kind of our job as the protection player.

I'm also trying out Plan B to some success. I'll need some more testing and/or feedback to see if it'll keep a spot in the deck or be swapped for something else like a 3rd copy of First Aid. From what I've seen so far, all the other upgrades feel like a better choice most of the time so I've ended up pitching it to play other cards until very late in the game. It also kind of competes with George Stacy for any leftover card you might have at the end of your turn.

Speaking of First Aid it got a spot immediately after trying out Young Love since, even with a Miles player it was wonky to use as it was the only card in the deck we would want to switch to alter-ego for and I'd rather just make sure I can stay in hero mode to still do my job.

If you feel like the deck is too slow depending on what your teammates are playing I'd swap Electrostatic Armor and Flow Like Water for Strength and Energy to get online sooner in exchange of some late game consistency.

Last thing is that Worried Father can actually be a good thing to see early since it can fetch you George Stacy from your deck and getting rid of it early ensures that he'll stay in play after playing him.