Just//ce is Cheap

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Telcontar · 470

The news is full of stories about the high cost of living these days, but what about the high cost of being a hero?

Sp//dr's ability to ready, Quicksilver-style with Host Spider is great. Throw in All Systems Go! and Limitless Stamina and the potential for activating multiple times a turn is high. So why waste your precious stat boost upgrades on anything so banal as paying for cards? Why compromise? With this deck, you can use those fancy upgrades and play an event or two a turn as well!

This deck consists of the cheapest useful cards around, all either free or payable with the other (minimum) 2 cards in hand, or 1 card and 1 resource from an upgrade:

I've picked Justice but you could easily make an Aggression or Protection deck along similar lines. With a little luck in terms of drawing All Systems Go! and/or Limitless Stamina you can output double figures of damage/thwart/both multiple times a match. And you should always be afford to do something useful too.