Witch of the Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 23885

This is part of "Journeyman's Guide to the Multi-Verse Series," a descendant of Spider-Verse Swarm. A general outline can be found at this post.

Hex Bolt and Chaos Magic are our targets for the event tutors. Ghost-Spider can chump and grab Warp Reality within the same villain phase as well.

Black Panther grabs us Summoning Spell. We’ll keep getting it back every turn with Rapid Response and have The Power of Leadership to pay for them all. Summoning Spell hopefully hits Gamora or Ghost-Spider, but we have Make the Call, in case it doesn't.

Spider-Man can ready Scarlet Witch's Crest or Deft Focus to help us as we spam multiple Hex Bolts per turn. Spider-Man can dish out a lot of damage on his way out thanks to Chaos Control and Scarlet Witch's Crest.

We’ll have a 7-card hero hand with The Sorcerer Supreme and Symbiote Suit.

43 cards isn't too high, considering Spiritual Meditation is like running -3 cards and we'll be cycling very quick. Tweak to your heart's content and play style.