Brains & Brawn

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Build a Hulk - Solo Hulk Justice (Undefeated on Expert) 651 516 50 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

saintmatthew · 39

Summary and Theme

This deck combines the brains of Dr. Bruce Banner with the punishing brawn of the Hulk. I sacrificed some more efficient cards in order to be more thematic. For example, Sonic Rifle may work better in practice than Concussive Blow, but let's be honest -- Hulk doesn't usually use guns. Likewise, Meditation represents Bruce's ability to manage the Hulk better.


To get your engine running, try to find Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, and Deft Focus. Since you will also be in alter-ego form, it may be helpful to find Meditation to help pay for these (Meditation can only be used in alter-ego form, so use it to pay for supports/upgrades; you can't use it to pay for any of the 20 hero action events).

Remember, in addition to the usual mulligan, Bruce Banner can swap out 1 card.

Lesser priorities would include Counterintelligence, Boundless Rage, Immovable Object, Beat Cop, and Under Surveillance.


Damage is dealt via allies (especially Wiccan), Crushing Blow, Hulk Smash, Thunderclap, and Beat Cop.

Thwarting is accomplished via allies, Clear the Area, Concussive Blow, Lay Down the Law, Beat Cop, and Counterintelligence.

Don't be afraid to go into alter-ego mode in order to recover, especially if the villain is confused from a Concussive Blow and/or you can play Lay Down the Law as you do so. Manage threat, and occasionally make a big attack (Hulk Smash + Boundless Rage = 14 damage!