Ham-on, and on, and on.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1157

The Spider-Man ally in leadership can be used to get several hero attacks in one turn. With the Web-Warrior allies you can play Warrior of the Great Web on Spider-Ham, gaining an attack each time one leaves play.

This is based on a made a Ghost-Spider leadership deck that I made previously. Although this deck does not have George Stacy to store cards, it does have the benefit of more draw power and of course Clarity of Purpose with Spider-Ham's ability to gain resources. I find that Spider-Ham cannot quite hit as much damage at once, but with all of the extra resources can start the combo quite quickly.

Early on you can control the game with allies while you get the supports and upgrades out. I had seen similar Spider-Ham decks, but my version focusses more on the Web-Warrior allies. Besides Peter Spider-Man there is SP//dr who can be recycled every turn (play and attack one turn. Next turn, thwart, return to hand, play, attack again. Then repeat). This can also net you extra draws once you have Web of Life and Destiny out. Otto Spider-Man is cheap and can ready Clarity of Purpose again. Then Hobie Spider-Man actually puts out a good amount of damage, particularly in more difficult scenarios. Ghost-Spider helps with fetching some of Spider-Ham's best events. With so many basic cards The Power in All of Us is great, which is why I round out the rest of the allies with some generally good basics.

It should not take too long to get the cards you need with all of the draws/resources you have. In the meantime you can avoid damage with Cartoon Physics, or confuse and switch to alter-ego to heal up.

For the combo you basically need to have Spider-Man, Warrior of the Great Web, and Web of Life and Destiny. Ideally you also want some other Web-Warrior allies out that already have damage, and a copy or two of Command Team.

You start by defeating some allies with consequential damage to gain a draw and +1 attack. Hopefully this should put Spider-Ham onto at least 3-4 attack already. Then, you start attacking and simply keep readying Spider-Man, and therefore Spider-Ham, with the leadership cards. If the ally dies that gives you more attack and a draw. Then, you bring Peter back with Rapid Response, Make the Call, or Across the Spider-Verse. Spider-Ham often has spare resources, so you can actually get a second ally back from Across the Spider-Verse and trigger Warrior of the Great Web an extra time. Don't forget there is also an extra ready from Organic Webbing if you have it. Even getting 2-3 extra attacks will easily bring you up to 20 or so damage - enough to finish a villain stage! But, if you have all of the pieces out it can be even higher.

So, try it out, I think this is one of the best ways to really take advantage of the Web-Warrior cards!