Days of Trash Cans Past | Summoning Sorcerer Response

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

esquiloclasta · 134


"I come out, I throw trash all over the ring... and then I start eating garbage. And then I pick up the trash can and I smash the guy on the head!"

The idea with this deck is to use your discard pile as your second deck. Why? Well, maybe it's just the MTG player in me, but consistent recursion is always enjoyable. If Make the Call and Rapid Response are some of your favourite cards, join me in this beautiful trashcan.

"But why Rogue?" you could be wondering. I'll tell you why: Superpower Adaptation is pure gas in this deck. This card is usually dead in true solo, but the synergy here is outstanding. We can attach Touched to a Leadership ally to consistently recur our essential blue events and restart our loops.

  • Use Call for Aid to consistently find Kaluu and/or Black Panther, the only Avengers in the deck.

  • Kaluu (or Adam Warlock) will give you access to the Mystic trait so you can have play Summoning Spell and The Sorcerer Supreme. Kaluu is more useful by himself, but since we have lots of discard pile synergies, Adam doesn't really hurt you too bad.

  • We won't feel sorry about chucking our other allies in the bin while milling our deck because Make the Call will let us recur them. Don't panic Make the Call itself ends up there, since...

  • ...Black Panther is here to let you grab it right back. You can also reuse Summoning Spell this way. Put Beast into play for 3ER and get yourself a double resource as a bonus. Absolute stonks.

  • We have plenty of 'enters play' effects here to payoff Rapid Response. Recycle Nick Fury, Kaluu and Maria Hill to draw as much as you want. Blank problematic villain cards ad infinitum with Vivian. Confuse-lock the villain with Professor X and Goin' Rogue. Recycle your double resources with Beast. And Black Panther beautifully restarts any of your combos. This deck durdles a little, yes, but it's obscenely fun.


This list is fairly simple to play, but you'll always have tons of options, so it's important to think ahead a little instead of just going for raw value:

  • Setup properly. Put down your resource generators. Mulligan aggressively for Kaluu or Call for Aid so you can play The Sorcerer Supreme.

  • Hold off on Summoning Spell if you already have your expensive allies in the discard pile. It might not be an efficient use of your resources.

  • Avoid chumping with your Mystics unless Rapid Response is out. There's enough ways to Confuse the villain here, so you can usually take a few hits.

  • For obvious reasons, you'll see more than encounter cards than usual with this list. Know what a stable board looks like and know when to push. Southern Cross will do wonders on the villain's health.

  • Throwing The Sorcerer Supreme on the trash does happen and it sucks. The deck works fine without it since you can still draw a ton, but it's best to mulligan aggressively for it and keep it in your hand if you have to. Otherwise, there's always the next deck pass.

Seriously, give this list a try. It's impossible to beat Cyclops as the definitive X-Men Leadership Hero, but this deck can be just as pleasant to pilot.

Note: whether or not you choose to count Touched towards the minimum deck size is up to you.
