Plan of Attack

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 447

Deck concept

I've seen a lot of great Ms Marvel aggression decks, but I've never been convinced by them in true solo (which is what I usually play) because to get the best out of Ms Marvel you need to flip a lot, and that's tricky with the tools you have in aggression to manage threat. That's changed completely by Psylocke. This deck is all about the dynamic partnership of Psylocke and Aamir Khan which makes it possible to flip every turn as Ms Marvel loves to.

Card choices

Ms Marvel can absorb a lot of damage and when flipping every turn can easily recover for 7 each time she does so. There's no need to worry too much about defence or having allies to block for you. The question is whether to focus on dealing double damage (with cards like Melee) or card draw from No Quarter, and for true solo I prefer the card draw. No Quarter calls for Follow Through and Honed Technique to maximise your draw power, and Honed Technique calls for lots of so that you can play it. Fortunately Plan of Attack and Chase Them Down are both and work really well in this deck - Plan of Attack because you can use it to make sure you find No Quarter and Chase Them Down because you can play it directly you draw it with No Quarter.

Moon Girl is difficult to resist in a Champion deck with plenty of but she is maybe a bit marginal. Both No Quarter and Teen Spirit will discard her, so she is often best parked under Bruno Carrelli when you draw her. Maybe another aggression ally would be a better choice.

Playing the deck

This is a very straightforward deck. You want to get Aamir Khan and Psylocke down as soon as possible. Whenever Psylocke leaves play, use Aamir Khan to put her back on the bottom of the deck and then Plan of Attack to hopefully move her off the bottom of the deck and find a No Quarter. Then flip to Hero form and use the No Quarter to blast some hapless minion for 8 damage (plus three extra from Follow Through) to draw 6 or 7 cards, hopefully including Psylocke. Rinse. Repeat.

How to lose with this deck

You can easily lose with this deck by playing against a Stalwart villain. Against Steady villains it is still pretty good because Psylocke should be able to attack twice before you spend a turn in Alter Ego. Another good way to lose with this deck is to keep discarding Psylocke with Teen Spirit, so do think about easing off on the spirits once you have Aamir Khan, Bruno Carrelli and Nakia Bahadir in play. The value of another Big Hands or Sneak By in hand isn't huge, and even Wiggle Room can be got by without, given how quickly you can heal damage on Ms Marvel.


You might not have though that Aamir Khan was the type of guy to go for an older English aristocratic type, but they pair up beautifully together. Don't believe the stereotypes.


Aug 18, 2023 chainsawash · 1

While looking to build an aggression Ms. Marvel deck I thought Psylocke looked like a great fit. I actually thought there would be a few more decks here that utilized her. Maybe it's her cost, but I see many MM decks using Bombshell, so who knows.

I like that you've built around her. I agree it's tempting to put Moon Girl in a deck with so many mental resources, but The Locust just fits here perfectly since you could grab a No Quarter directly from your discard pile.

I wonder how this will play out in a multiplayer game. I may try switching out Looking for Trouble with Melee or One by One.