Storm Anger Management Camp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neokarasu · 165

Welcome to Storm's Anger Management Camp!

This deck aims to turbo through the early game setup with Meditation to put out a combination of The X-Jet/Helicarrier/Boot Camp and allies. Normally Meditation has a pretty hefty downside due to being an Alter-Ego Action and requiring to exhaust your hero but Storm has a very good kit for neutralizing threat via Hurricane + Torrential Rain and the deck has access to confuse (Professor X/Psylocke) and ready (Storm's Cape/Utopia).

After you've done your initial setup, you can quickly close out the game via allies + Boot Camp + Thunderstorm. Psylocke and Boot Camp are the main reason we are in Aggression. Leadership doesn't have any group buffs that cover all of these groups (only Mighty Avengers). Justice has Dazzler and Sonic Rifle but also a significantly smaller damage output.


  • Mulligan: look for Meditation and one of the support piece (The X-Jet/Helicarrier/Avengers Mansion/Storm's Crown/Boot Camp) and a playable ally (ideally Colossus/Thor/Ironheart/Nick Fury).
  • Early game: set up all the support that you find and leverage the additional resources to field multiple allies.
  • Midgame: keep dumping allies and blocking with them after getting an attack in. Storm should be able to single-handedly deal with threat so the rest of the guys can just go face. Use Psylocke/Professor X to safely go to alter-ego.
  • Endgame: after you're setup, the villain should be taking big chunks of damage so closing the game will be fast.

The Weather Deck

The starting weather and what you swap to depends on what the villain's setup looks like. If there's threat to be removed, start with Thunderstorm and swap to Hurricane. If there's no threat, then you want to be able to swap to Thunderstorm instead and start with anything else. Note that choosing the starting weather happens after you resolve your mulligan so sometimes you might want the extra card from Clear Skies so in that case starting with Thunderstorm is better.

For the rest of the game, you'll likely be juggling between Thunderstorm and Hurricane while only using the other two in corner cases.

The Bois

Pretty much all of the allies are expendable (even Wolverine in a pinch!) but some are better than others for staying alive. Ideally you want to start the game with one of the ones that can negate 2 villain activations (Colossus/Thor/Mockingbird) or cheap enough to get in the way (Ironheart/Forge/Nick Fury).

One of the most important ally to find is Psylocke as she lets you go to alter-ego safely twice. After her charges are used you definitely want to get her to the discard pile ASAP to be reshuffled when you go through the deck.