She-Hulk: The Minion killing Lawyer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RagnotGreymane · 45

She-Hulk is back and is annoyed!!!!! She has to stop the Villain completing its Scheme and destroy all those annoying minions who get in the way!!!

This deck is based on the idea of controlling threat and dealing with minions. She-Hulk can already deal out big chucks of damage. But her weak points are Threat removal and minion killing.

The solve both these problems she can play Stealth Strike to destroy or finish off a minion and then remove some Threat. Turn the Tide is the opposite, if you can remove the last threat on a Scheme you get the free damage. This works well with She-Hulk flipping between Alter-Ego and Hero alot as you can manipulate when to play those cards and it also makes Lay Down the Law worth its wait in gold.

Great Responsibility allows you to make the most of She-Hulks high HP and Crew Quarters helps top her HP's up.

Then to make the most of destroying the minions with Interrogation Room.