Wolverine - Adamantium Assault

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wolverine - La para con el pechito 0 0 0 1.0

NormalModeGuy · 961

Wolverine - Adamantium Assault

"Let's make this quick."- Wolverine, at some point. Probably...

Have you ever felt that Wolverine needed a little more kick? A little bit more survivability for the best there is?

Say no more, because Wolverine is a force to be reckoned with now that he can do Toe to Toe with the best and the rest!

So what's new?

Wolverine's healing factor ain't what it used to be; so every now and again he needs a little First Aid.

"Why use this instead of protection?" I'll be real, bub. We both know you just wanna smash minions and take hits. With Endurance and Adamantium Skeleton we can easily take many more hits!

But why Toe to Toe? It's a late-game win card as well as minion removal for a very low price! As Wolverine, our healing factor enables us to play with life as a resource to burn! After all, if a minion like Hydra Soldier is around, we go Toe to Toe and we only took two damage! And we heal for two every single turn! Wolverine.

Since we don't really care if we get hit, feel free to launch a Counterattack for full damage! Or maybe we stare down the villain and say "You'll Pay for That!"

All in all, this deck is for anyone to play at any level!


Jul 12, 2023 VJakson · 23

I’ve seen it with my own eyes. This deck uses health as a resource better than any I’ve seen before. I got better, is amazing in it. Which is quite a feat of the deck design. I’ve played alongside Normalmodeguy running h this deck a bunch of times, and it is a beauty to behold. Highly recommend.

Jul 24, 2023 corbintm · 1723

Good stuff. How does this fare against scenarios where the villain punishes characters for being damaged? Thinking MaGog or Sandman

Oct 04, 2023 boomguy · 758

Why not include symbiote suit in this one for the HP, hand size, and stats?