Cable Gets Sudafed from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Cable Multiplayer Campaign 0 0 0 1.0
Cable S.H.I.E.L.D. 0 0 0 1.0

Caldias · 1216

This deck is a straightforward Justice take on Cable, which seems to be one of the better aspects for him, given what he's trying to accomplish. The general idea is to use Technovirus Purge to boost stats and turn on Psychic Manipulation so you can take easy trips to Alter-Ego and make use of Professor to build up your side schemes as quickly as possible. Because you have plenty of tutoring and so much deck thinning, going over 40 cards shouldn't pose too much of an issue. Agent Coulson is one of the key pieces to keep Technovirus Purge in the victory display where it belongs.


I went with allies that could synergize with Team-Building Exercise, so Psionic trait or X-Force. Agent Coulson is there for Technovirus Resurgence insurance, as he can pull Spycraft and you can play it as long as he's out, and leave it up until your obligation rears its ugly head.

Events These are the bread and butter for thwarting. As stated before, Psychic Manipulation facilitates trips to Alter-Ego while For Justice! helps chew through other side schemes and Clear the Area provides some card draw. I was tempted to include One Way or Another and I think that's a solid addition, but I left it out because I've been playing it a lot lately. You could certainly replace the Clear the Area with that card.

Player Side Schemes I basically just added all the ones that seemed to synergize with Cable. Take Out the Guards is the only one missing, mostly because it feels incredibly situational. I could see including it if you just want something to clear quickly.

Support Only addition here is Team-Building Exercise to make Cable's events, Psychic Manipulation, and the allies (except for Coulson) cheaper

Upgrades Overwatch is always great and can set up some bomb turns once Mind Scan is juiced up. Skilled Investigator helps with card draw and Sense of Justice just helps get kickers for For Justice!. Spycraft as previously stated gets played to keep Cable from getting sick again.

Which Side Scheme to start with? For this deck, you want Technovirus Purge cleared as fast as possible. However, depending on the mulligan, you might end up with Technovirus purge in hand. In that case, you might go with Build Support for Graymalkin or Call for Backup to get Coulson and Spycraft out,

General Strategies Thwart things! Blow things up with your mind! Shoot your gun!

The goal is to just build Cable up as quickly as you can by knocking out Side Schemes, but Technovirus Resurgence insurance helps keep Cable from stumbling and turning off his best thwart event until Mind Scan can get juiced up.

Alternate Cards As mentioned above, One Way or Another would be a good alternative to Clear the Area. The allies are mostly fluid, except, of course, Agent Coulson. And I'm sure the player side scheme choices will change as more of those get released. I also feel some more damage cards wouldn't hurt, something like Turn the Tide would be a good addition.


Aug 22, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5148

Buddy Coulson taking one for the team. Spy raft also makes for a good finger wag to Shadow of the Past as well!

Aug 22, 2023 dr00 · 43725

love the deck name lmao

using sc to avoid resurgence is super smart

Aug 23, 2023 Caldias · 1216

Thank you both! Good point on Shadows. I haven't personally been bit by the Stryfe TK blast yet, but I've heard horrible things