Aerie Man Says: Sometimes The Best Defense is No (Basic) Def

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Caldias · 1204

New Suit

Sometimes, the best defense is to take it to the face and then come back with a new suit, ready to blast some more. Angel's Aerie collects tokens from defense events, and then repairs Iron Man's suit so he can get back in the fight.

Iron Man was my first Marvel Champions hero that I really dived into, and I think recent cards really help him reach new heights. I've played this deck both solo and two handed, and it sets up rather quickly thanks to some key cards.

Most of his cards added here are energy resources, so Iron Man has decent Repulsor Blast. There will be occasional whiffs, but usually that comes with some Digging Deep cash money.

He has plenty of defense events that will count as having "defended" without using a basic action. Defiance, Jump Flip, and Preemptive Strike all mitigate damage without making you use a basic defense.

These cards also put tokens on Angel's Aerie when used, solving one of Iron Man's greatest downsides. He has one of the highest health pools in the game, but a low recovery. Now, you can slowly take chip damage and then spin down to Alter-Ego for big heals, thanks to the Angel's Aerie.

So go visit your rich pal, Warren, in Colorado, and ransack his lodge so you can get back out there and stop the villain!


Sep 22, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5129

Aw man this is really cool, at first I was like what's that girl Polaris doing here, but she can tough herself and is an energy resource! We will have to play this together!!!!

Sep 22, 2023 journeyman2 · 23893

Excellent! We just watched Iron Man 1&2 last night haha. I did not expect to see an Iron Man deck today

Sep 22, 2023 Caldias · 1204

@Man-is-Obsolete: Definitely!
@journeyman2: Thanks! Pretty sure my Iron Man card had some cobwebs when I broke him back out

Sep 24, 2023 VJakson · 23

Ohhh. I was hoping to see Aerie find a good home!