Dynamic Duo 1/2: the Muscle

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10624

Getting Aggro Hulk to work has been quite a challenge. As far as I'm concerned, it's getting nowhere in solo. Even in teams, Hulk has some major issues to make up for, making it hard to really shine, and keeping me thinking about how to make it work well, without relying on allies (Leadership) or Justice.

The biggest issue is Hulk's hand size. Is it possible to compensate for that? Had an idea ... pairing him with Captain Marvel. She has the resources to put down Avengers Mansion and make Hulk draw a card. Plus, as Carol Denvers, she can us her ability ("commander") to make Hulk draw another. What would it be like to have a 6 cards Hulk???

In this setup, Marvel is the thwart force and Hulk, the muscle. I included Get Over Here! as a way to get rid of stun or tough. Skilled Strike, Drop Kick, Combat Training for some more dmg. Finally, Toe to Toe for the combo with either "You'll Pay for That!" or Counterattack.

I can't honestly say if this will work, I haven't playtested it yet. Still feels like it's worth a try given that the prize would be unleashing The Hulk!


Sep 02, 2020 neothechosen · 10624

Find the other half here: marvelcdb.com