Go Faster lol

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lazytitan421 · 442

Getting multiple readies is most valuble when you have high base stats to match, and Quicksilver is good at both. The plan is to setup on the first round through the deck, playing out tech upgrades and as many copies of Tenacity as you can. Once you're setup you can use Repurpose and Maximum Velocity to make whatever stat you want unreasonably high, then use those copies of Tenacity, Repurpose, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and Always Be Running to use your stats to destroy the villain or the main scheme. And use Superpower Training to get Friction Resistance, because its really good.

If you didn't find this deck through the Winning Hand Podcast, come check us out, you can find us anywhere you find your podcasts! We talk about 1 new card every episode and this one was Repurpose!