Spider-Man OMG Moral

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schnorch · 1

Miles Morales excels at stunning and confusing opponents, which you should use to your advantage. In the early game, prioritize playing setup cards. Playing a Surveillance Team is an excellent strategy for keeping threat levels in check. For even better results, aim to play Monica Chang later to accumulate more counters on it. The effectiveness of Web of Life and Destiny hinges on timing. Playing it early yields substantial value, but if it's late in the game, consider using it as a resource.

Don't forget the utility of your Web-Shooter, and remember that you can use one to pay for the other. Avengers Mansion is another great card for resource generation and card draw.

This deck features numerous allies. Utilize them to accomplish objectives and have them serve as blockers for incoming attacks. Miles Morales has a relatively small lifepool, so having an ally in play is crucial for blocking unexpected attacks. Endurance will help to get you buffed.

Given your ability to confuse opponents frequently, don't hesitate to switch to alter ego form as needed. Ganke Lee's assistance can be invaluable during this time. If you transition to alter ego at the end of a round, employ Ganke Lee to draw a card. You can either keep it for the next round or discard it. Once the next round begins, use Ganke Lee again to gain another free card.

Spider-Man boasts impressive base stats, allowing for consistent damage dealing and thwarting. These stats shine brightest when combined with cards like Defense Mechanism or Power Within, which trigger his special abilities. Consider using Arachnobatics for a powerful strike after confusing and stunning your enemy. Utilize Swing In and Web-Shot for more substantial thwarting and attacks.

Swift Retribution is a situational card. If threat levels are low, you can frequently thwart to maintain control. When threat is nearly eliminated, unleash Swift Retribution for a significant hit.