Card draw simulator
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Underwood · 100
Are you playing a multiplayer game and have been put in charge of thwarting? Well, Quicksilver might be the best in the game. You can potentially Thwart for 100+ in a single turn. At the very least, you can Thwart for 6 every turn for 0 resources.
Base=1, Heroic Intuition=1, Hyper Perception=1, Civic Duty×3=3, Maximum Velocity=2
Base=8, Hero Action=8, Always Be Running×4=32, Tenacity×3=24, Earth's Mightiest Heroes×3=24
That's 96. In one turn.
I like Beat Cop more than it probably deserves, and this deck can afford to slack off for a turn to play one. That bumps us to 99.
Double Time for 4. That gets us to 103. In one turn.
How to Thwart for 100+ In A Single Turn
Play 3 copies of Assess the Situation the previous turn, and be in Alter Ego. That gets you to 9 cards.
Board State
Tenacity ×3, Civic Duty ×3, Quincarrier, Deft Focus, Friction Resistance, Heroic Intuition, Hyper Perception, Scarlet Witch, Quake, Speed, Beat Cop ×3
(Use alter-ego action for card fixing before flipping, and Asses the Situation×3 the previous turn to get to 9)
Always Be Running ×4, Earth's Mightiest Heroes ×3, Maximum Velocity, Double Time
Whats the point of sense of justice in this deck when there are no thwart events?