Spider-Woman - Bluepool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

This so far has been my favorite ‘Pool deck, the Leadership aspect synergizes perfect with a slew of Allies from the ‘Pool aspect.

The whole goal of this deck is to get the ‘Pool Allies in play and use their lack of consequential damage to decimate the enemy.

To begin with we have all the good ‘Pool Allies thrown in. I’m not a big fan of Pandapool as I find his penalty to be too great.

I also have included Deadpool Corps Ship because it can cheat in the Allies, however make note that it doesn’t activate “Super-Human Agility” as you are not actually playing that card.

Stick-To-Itiveness is fantastic because it allows you to ready again if you’ve built your stats up, and once you have a Finesse or Clarity of Purpose down you’ll always have that physical resource.

Laser Swords builds up your attack with Having ‘Pool Allies in play, not to mention Symbiote Suit.

From the Leadership aspect what we have is mostly cards that allow you to ready your Allies. The ‘Pool Allies don’t take consequential damage making ready effects with them very powerful. We have Command Team and Get Ready (also Get Rage-y).

To round this out we also have some leadership staples The Triskelion and one off Band Together. Then there’s Healing Factor to keep you alive and Cutupper because it’s dang good.

Symbiote Suit isn’t necessary here, but it does allow you take more hits, and works with Self-Propelled Glide and Stick-To-Itiveness.

That’s it, no wombo combos just good straight forward Ally spam. So get those resource generators out, and get those Allies down and get busy! (Errr or get ready?)