Cyclops - Good Morning, Angels

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

2nd_breakfaster · 41

Hello! My first deck to publish. Hope you all like it. Could probably use some tweaking, but at its core, I like the idea and have been having fun with it.

NUTSHELL Let's let Scott be the new Charlie here. He gets to call the shots with a lot of the angels (aerials) doing the work.

Tactical Brilliance = Bombs Away. There are quite a few aerial X-men across the aspects. Use Tactical Brilliance to thwart, use aerial allies to deal lots of AoE damage. Aggression grants Cyclops easy access to Marked as well for spillover damage to villain.

OVERVIEW The goal of this deck is to get as much use out of Bombs Away as possible. Get out the aerial allies as fast as possible, keep them alive, and then spam Bombs Away as much as you can.

  1. IMPORTANT -- It is okay to pay with Bombs Away to get allies out. The idea of this deck is to use Tactical Brilliance to manage threat and bounce Bombs Away back to your hand.

  2. POLARIS/PROFESSOR X -- Included here to give protection and a confuse when needed.

  3. MARKED -- Cyclops can tutor this out in his AE easily, paired with Bombs Away and his Optic Blast, there is great opportunity to deal a good amount of overkill damage to the villain.

  4. PRIORITY TARGET -- Getting these on multiple targets has also allowed quite a bit of card draw. Two targets destroyed at the same time with Bombs Away -- 4 cards.

  5. SOARING ACROBATICS -- Get more use out of the aerial allies that remain unexhausted.

  6. GATEKEEPER -- With Cyclops' ability to deal great damage with his optic blast, this is another great way to manage threat via minions.

Currently testing this with more ally upgrades, Looking for Trouble, and Boot Camp. Suggestions welcome!


Jan 02, 2024 ClassyRobot · 5355

I love this idea! Hopefully the AoA expansion will have a few more aerial X-Men to give you even more options for allies. The only issue I see is putting Gatekeeper on a minion while only the main scheme is out, which will gunk up the combo as you'll have Patrol to deal with. Looking for Trouble may be a better option as you said or you could throw in Follow Through to combo with Marked. Have you tried Utopia? You may not always get the bonus ally slot but you could still Bombs Away, play an ally, and then let your ally that bombed away still basic attack.

Jan 03, 2024 turtles04 · 756

Cool deck! Do you need 2 the power of aggressions though? It only has 3 targets, I guess with tactical brilliance you're increasing the odds a little more, but maybe Just a resource generator instead?

Jan 03, 2024 2nd_breakfaster · 41

`@ClassyRobot @turtles04

Love the Utopia idea! Just played a few rounds with Looking for Trouble, and it was a good switch for scenarios not minion heavy. I had a better turnout with Gatekeeper for heavy minion scenarios.

Also, I did take out the two Power of Aggressions for Utopia and Hall of Heroes. Was a much better combo!

Thank you both for the tips!