Penny Pinching Spider-Woman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alduc · 1044

I won't surprise anyone by saying that keeping the cost curve of a Spider-Woman deck as low as possible makes it possible to play more cards, and to maximize her ability. Even low-cost, low-impact cards can become powerful tools in Spider-Woman's arsenal.

There were two cards I really wanted to try out with this new hero. The first is Morale Boost. A single cost to boost all her stats by two? Yes please. The other is the powerful Spycraft. I'm really happy we got another spy so close to the release of Black Widow.

Building a Justice-Leadership deck for Spider-Woman proved easy, especially as both aspect provides card-drawing opportunity. After some testing, Inspiring Presence is the card I'm the most lukewarm about in this deck. It's solid when Captain Marvel is on the table but otherwise isn't much useful.


Jun 11, 2021 eapfel · 1

Sorry that's it's been ages since you made this deck before I made a comment. I've just recently had the time to start putting together decks to start playing, and I was looking for some inspiration from other players. I'm currently working on a Justice/Leadership Spider-Woman, and I was surprised how few of them use Morale Boost.

If you're taking advance of Morale Boost, you should be trying to swing more often with her as well. Given how many Avengers are in your deck, since you are lukewarm about Inspiring Presence, having you considered Earth's Mightiest Heroes? Granted you would also have to replace 2 Justice cards and then find a 4th Basic card to add (there are plenty of great options there, however).

Just doing some brainstorming...

Jun 11, 2021 Alduc · 1044

@eapfelI normally like to keep basic cards to a minimum with Spider-Woman, but Earth's Mightiest Heroes should be strong enough in this deck to be worth it.

If a few more basic cards are needed, Assess the Situation should be a priority.

There's been quite a lot of new cards since I made this deck. I would certainly look into adding Stinger, and the Scarlet Witch pack contains a couple of tools that might be worth testing also.