Pikachu Protocol (Iron Man Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

zero_aperture · 446

“Iron Man CHUUUUUU!!!!” - Pikachu playing Marvel Champions probably....

About This Build

It’s common knowledge that Energy Barrier is a Tech Upgrade, which Iron Man loves. Here’s my take on it.

I played this build this evening and recording my thoughts after a satisfying performance against a Standard Mutagen Formula deck solo.

This builds quite quickly thanks to the three extra tech upgrades. It stays at 40 cards so you can Futurist through your deck quickly.

It delivers some solid consistent damage over time as you can easily get your boots to fire off and deliver a 8 damage Supersonic Punch. Repulsor Blast (aka Thunderbolt) for around 5ish+ damage (YMMV) thanks to the number of cards with energy resources in the deck.

Iron Man is prickly and shocking thanks to Nova and your Energy Barrier tech which can potentially deliver up to 5 damage each time the enemy strikes. It’s a satisfying feeling to smite the opponent on both ends of the round without a sweat.

Notable Potential Revisions, Some Omissions, and Counterpoints

Further revisions may include Black Widow in place of Mockingbird or Enhanced Reflexes to give another outlet for your mental resources that you get from Enhanced Awareness.

With how fast he sets up, I feel the Mansion and Helicarrier aren’t necessary and not worth the turn to play as there’s a bunch of enhanced abilities as well as Ms. Potts to help get things going. Gotta go fast after that suit is online.

Because this deck is energy resource focused, beware of your nemesis cards and mean villains making you spend resources that aren’t energy.

Deck Evolution & Experience

  • Swapped Indomitable for Emergency. Indomitable didn’t fit too well in this tech build. Emergency addresses when you’re in Alter Ego.

  • Nova is a countering BEAST with all the energy. Included 2x Enhanced Reflexes to help him out. Dropping 1 Med Team and Armored Vest.

Jan 19, 2020 dr00 · 43725

Dropping the Armored Vest and Indomitable is good imo. I am loving the current protection with Captain Marvel and Iron Man with all that , even though I plan to never defend with them. But you really don't need to with all the Energy Barriers, Preemptive Strikes, and Nova.

Jan 19, 2020 vulinhchelsea · 1

Energy Barrier is Tech/Upgrade, which is exactly what Iron Man needs. That's why it need to be maxed out, and also provide Iron Man more durability.

Jan 19, 2020 zero_aperture · 446

@dr00 thanks for the comment. Preemptive strike is still solid for me as well as Nova.

Preemptive Strike has some solid counter play for Iron Man as his base attack is so poor and at the same time increases his durability and stay as hero longer.

As for Nova, his card ability to deal damage prior to an attack can potentially defeat minions (with the help of some energy barriers) and also help Iron Man’s durability. I’ve used his effect to clear a few minions that have congregated in my zone prior to their attacks and it’s been quite satisfying. I really don’t want to attack or defend with him unless i really need to (or can heal him).

Jan 26, 2020 JarJar84 · 1

Why not 3 Enhanced Reflexes? It gives you additional energy resources for repulsor blasts.

Jan 30, 2020 zero_aperture · 446

@JarJar84 It could work. My initial thought was I didn’t want to muddy the deck with a ton of resource generation cards. I felt 4 was pretty good. I haven’t played with all 6 enhanced cards in a deck TBH.

Feb 14, 2020 TheEternal792 · 1

`@JarJar84 how does Enhanced Reflexes help with repulsor blasts?

Sep 10, 2020 fergan · 27

Really liking the deck! Great work! Btw did you thought about the chance of putting in Quincarrier? I would probably take out one Enhanced Awareness so you don't hurt the resource type balance, I don't think +1 cost is that bad given that you would have the resource the rest of the game, and it's more flexible, what do you think? And maybe you could change Mockingbird for Black Widow or Iron Fist, could also depend on match-up, although getting to big on costs could be dangerous early. Anyways the deck seems to work great as it is, and it's plenty fun.