I'm Gonna Smash It

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 10316

Wolverine wants to take matters into his own hands and fight with those bare hands. He's a monk that wants to keep the fight on the ground.


This deck aims to beef up Wolverine's attack stats so he can do devastating damage with that stat. Specialized Training for Combat Specialist, Combat Training, and Adamantium Claws means Wolverine will have a base 5 ATK. Then as you play attack events (this deck has 12), you can boost it more with Fluid Motion to have a 7 ATK.


This deck tries to do healing through Precision Strike and Healing Factor. So try to defend with allies when possible. Hulk is a giant shield who's usually good for 2 defends.

With Precision Strike, if you can set up an enemy to be defeated on its own, do that. If you need some help, use Wolverine's Claws and Directed Force so it's 4 damage. So the exchange is to lose 1 health to gain 2. Not as nice, but still nice.

Phantom Rush

Directed Force has so many good targets. Once Adamantium Skeleton is in play, it can be used to do extra damage on Wolverine's base attack. It can be used with any Claw enhanced attack. So, Lunging Strike can do 10 damage. Quick Strike can do 9 damage if both Fluid Motions triggered.

Wolverine can rip through any villain and is a great asset on any team. He's ready to do hand to hand combat and clear the field of minions...and villains. This deck is built to be used in multiplayer and can do big damage quickly because of his claws, but by the middle of the game, he's usually ready to do big damage and make it the end of the game.

Character Role Decks:

Each of these decks are meant to be mixed and match in multiplayer with the other role decks below. Feel free to check out some of the other character roles


Feb 09, 2024 Web-Warrior Fanatic · 19175

Very cool concept. Deck is flooded with attack events that Wolverine can easily pay for with his claws, Fluid Motion buffs his ATK stat for the attack event Quickstrike to synergize dealing damage equal to his boosted attack. Looks extremely fun!

Feb 09, 2024 andyr · 10316

Thanks, @Web-Warrior Fanatic! It was fun pairing this with a thwarting cap and just blitzing Red Skull

Mar 01, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@andyr Wolverine is one of my favorite heroes to play, he's so thematic imo and Aggression is definitely my favorite way to play him. Definitely going to give this a shot, I really like Directed Force being in here.

Mar 01, 2024 andyr · 10316

@Castlefrank47 agreed! i've really enjoyed wolverine in aggression. i know it's sometimes a coin toss to do protection or aggression, but for me, it always seems like the coin lands on aggression :D

Jan 08, 2025 gelleetin · 21

Love the deck - we lost but it was due to not enough thwarting plus a bad Shadows (Omega Red just stuck around).

Under the Pummel section, I think the link was meant to be Adamantium Skeleton instead of Adamantium Claws.