Black Widow Spy Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pavvo · 2

Black Widow Protection Deck for Solo plays. Watch the decktech here -

A couple of card explanations The standard package of Energy/Genius/Strength resources and Nick Fury/Mockingbird/Avengers Mansion/Helicarrier needs no explanation :)

Espionage - Provides much needed card draw (even after all the various cost reduction). Even in a surge-light villain game, this provides protecion against upgrade removal.

Honorary Avenger- One card which I might replace. The +1 hit point helps due to BW's low health although with all the defence cards in this deck, I might be tempted to take this out. The resources helps with Tackle though.

Luke Cage & Nova - Another 2 beefy guys which help with damage reduction on BW. Nova helps to "attack" at the cost of a card even when BW is exhausted

Tackle - This card has proven to be the MVP of all my games. Stunning an enemy and dealing 3 damage essentially speeds up the game while preventing them from acting for one turn.

Preemptive Strike - Do you like Attcrobatics? Why not have 5! You almost never have to go into Alter-Ego form if you manage to consistently draw these.

Energy Barrier - More ways to healing and dealing. Although I might be tempted to replace these once Red Skull set is up.

Armored Vest - +1 Def. nuff said.

Majority of the cards "stick" on table, which allows fast recycling of Tackles and Preparation cards

Check out my channel for more gameplay videos!


Sep 14, 2020 dr00 · 43739

can you talk about your thoughts about running no Defensive Stance? i haven't played Black Widow enough and was thinking about running her with protection, and Defensive Stance doesn't seem really efficient, but it does with her of course. i think perhaps with 4 DEF and lots of readies, she probably doesn't need it, but you're running Luke Cage, could that be a Defensive Stance instead do you think?

also, i love Preemptive Strike with Nova. one of my favourite combos <3

one suggestion: Honorary Avenger could easily be a Quincarrier instead, which would also help with Tackle

really solid deck. i enjoyed your video too

Sep 14, 2020 Pavvo · 2

Hey @dr00 Thanks for the comments. Defensive Stance does seem like a good card. However, with the full set of Preemptive Strike Energy Barrier and Attacrobatics, I don't find myself taking any damage (Her Defense + the cancelled boost icons).

However, that proposition is intriguing. I might try out Defensive Stance in place of the Honorary Avenger (Although I can see it going onto Luke Cage for more defensive purposes.

To be honest, Nova has been a dead card most of the time. Your suggestion of Quincarrier is valid though. I might replace him with that and try it out!

Thanks! Always good to bounce ideas off a fellow player!

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