You dare attack the Queen of Limbo?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


One of the things I realized about Magik was that with her discount for paying for the top card of her deck, combined with Nerves of Steel, she can play 2-cost Defense cards for free (when she has one on the top of her deck and has Nerves of Steel in play).

At present the only cards that match that description are Anticipated Attack and Powerful Punch. Both of which do not require you to exhaust to make use of them. Shield Spell and Magic Barrier are open to Magik as well and function in the same way so I decided to build the deck around avoiding damage without exhausting.

The first issue is that Anticipated Attack requires a side scheme in the victory display, so I included Build Support and Establish Perimeter, which are both resolve quickly. Establish Perimeter also sticks with the theme and plays well in multiplayer. Build Support can fish out Limbo which makes this deck play much better.

Powerful Punch is great for knocking out minions before they can finish their attacks. Along with Anticipated Attack, Magic Barrier, and Shield Spell they will provide fuel for Flow Like Water and Unflappable.

All of her allies provide additional damage negation without exhausting Magik.

This all frees her for using Basic Spell, the Soulsword and Magik's Crown to attack and thwart, getting a free ready when she plays an ally thanks to Utopia.

If you want to go over 40 cards, 1 Hard to Ignore can easily be added to this deck. Another option would be to add 1 or 2 Not Today! or Judoka Skill cards.

In Multiplayer, I would be tempted to add another Nerves of Steel or two. Making it more likely to come up early, and the extras can be given to other players (if they are running decks with Defense cards).


Mar 31, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 244

This sounds awesome definitely going to give it a shot!