Outlaw/Diamondback as sidekick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LucRivNor · 96

À Classic core of Domino build but with the Sidekick theme.

Domino have 2 allies managing 2 kind of situation. Outlaw is the queen of doing lot of damage to 1 target and Diamondback is the queen of doing damage to a lot of target.

With #Outlaw equip with Sidearm, you can trigger Sharpshooter an extra time.

Adam Warlock is a great card to manage your hand leftover


Jun 07, 2024 wehehe · 198

Are you sure that Sharpshooter works with Sidearm ? I may be wrong, but I would say that in the FAQ's it's specified that when a card refers to "you" it can only be triggered by your hero, and not your allies.

I'm not entirely convinced, so, if you are sure that it is correct just ignore my comment.

Jun 07, 2024 wehehe · 198

On the other hand, if it truly works is great to know it!

Jun 07, 2024 Dansome · 1

@wehehe You're correct, it would not work. "You" requires your hero.

Jun 07, 2024 Dansome · 1

@wehehe To be even more clear, "you" does not work with supports or allies, but does with upgrades, events, hero/alter ego abilities.