Valkyrie sends them to the afterlife

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

munkey8486 · 166

I’m still not a fan of Valkyrie, but since she’s being run in my current Rise of Red Skull campaign I’m determined to make her work.

Against Crossbones she was being run with a solo deck that did a lot of thwarting. I quickly realized this wasn’t working well with a devoted Justice deck and a versatile Leadership deck running alongside her. We needed damage on the villain and we did not have that from her because she was excellent at dealing with minions but barely had any tools to splash that damage onto the villain. My first stab at building a deck didn’t fix this because I didn’t realize how to fix that right away.

After mulling it over for a day I realized it was potentially quite an easy fix by including some reliable sources of Overkill. She wants to turn sideways for a lot of damage and with Hand Cannon and Relentless Assault she can ready back up often after chipping away at some of the villains health. We have two copies each of Looking for Trouble, Angela, and "Bring It!" for when you need minions in front of you and Chooser of the Slain is unavailable. Clobber might end up being cut after some testing, it’s meant to be a cheap event to get Fluid Motion going on your turn, but it’s also two addition cards and might be cut to trim some fat from the deck.