Ms. Marvel is Streets Ahead

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jacinto · 106

If you have to ask, then you're streets behind.

Jubilee's hero pack came with some cool cards. However, Jubilee is apparently too busy being the only person under 50 that still goes to a mall, so Ms. Marvel is going to step in and put one of those cards to use.

Enter Three Steps Ahead

With this card, if you pay for it with three different resource types, you can remove a total of 6 threat from schemes at a cost of 3 resources. At a glance, that doesn't seem like much, especially when you include the requirement that they have to be different resources. However, wild resources can count as any resource, and The Power of Justice counts double, making paying the cost a little bit easier.

What's really special about Three Steps Ahead is that it is three instances of two threat. So, when combined with Operative Skill, it becomes three instances of three threat. Paid for it with Passion for Justice as well? Now it's three instances of four threat. Got Shrink out? Now it's three instances of six threat!

Ms. Marvel loves these little bursts of threat/damage, making her the perfect hero for this new card. I've also included three copies of Even the Odds, as well as two copies of Multitasking, both of which operate in a very similar manner.


You may not get as much value out of Even the Odds, so you may want to remove those cards and add a few copies of Turn the Tide to get out a little extra damage.