Serve, Protect, Mayhem

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Mutant Mayhem and Serve and Protect both require the same set-up, so how do they work when paired together?

Turns out they work well together. Slowly chipping away at the enemy, but covering most of the bases as they do so. This deck requires some patience to pilot, but you get take some fun turns.

The Triskelion is probably mor important here than in any other deck I've built. With allies getting a lit of tough and cycling back in with Mutant Mayhem, they tnd to stick around, making that 4th slot very useful.

Beast is predictably excellent in this deck, but some other allies can shine as well.

Karma an control an enemy, use them up and cycle back to do it all again or repeatedly block attacks with tough, freeing up other allies to act. Mirage can cycle to stun multiple minions. Professor X can pop in repeatedly or get a tough status to block twice. Deadpool can get cycled before taking his last hp to avoid getting an acceleration token or just play tank with tough to avoid it as well.

The tricks to this are twofold. 1) making sure you have both an X-man and X-Force ally in play, and 2) having the resources to pay for a pretty steady stream of expensive cards.

For step 1, you will need to avoid chump blocking so they are there when needed. For step 2, get Finesse and Helicarrier into play early.

Since you will be relying on allies to do your heavy lifting, expect the game to progress slowly as you set up and chip away.

Serve and Protect can slow you down as it exhuasts 2 allies when used, then you need to defend with them to use the tough, taking them out of action for two turns (or use the tough to ignore consequential damage, which can help with Warpath or Pixie and their double consequential damage powers). Hangar Bay can be a huge help when using Serve and Protect.

Muster Courage is weak for the first half of the game when playing Standard, but powers up in the second half or when playing expert.

Give it a whirl. I hope you find something here that works for how you play.


Aug 25, 2024 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

A couple more plays in and one thing I have discovered this deck shines with is multi-player with other X-Men/X-Force decks. Both the Alliance keyword and the ability to use allies from multiple heroes opens up lots more options for creative play.

Aug 25, 2024 seneca29 · 173

How can you block twice with prof x?

Aug 25, 2024 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 958

Hangar Bay