Inspiring Nadia's N.E.R.D & G.I.R.L Team

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mckiediz · 31

Crafting a Dynamic Mix of N.E.R.D. and G.I.R.L. from Her Desk: A team that answers the call and stays ever vigilant. Nadia Van Dyne can handle this with ease!!!

However, sometimes her responsibilities place her on the front line, inspiring bravery and heroism in all her companions.

The main idea of this deck is to play in "alter-ego" form as often as possible — to benefit from what I believe is one of the best alter-ego abilities in the game.

By taking advantage of her alter-ego status, cards like Professor X, Beast, and Moon Girl are used and then shuffled back into the deck at will or according to the situation. This is a deck that builds over time but offers near-total control over the villain.

Cards like Med Lab or Rapid Response provide great adaptability for the strategies we employ against the villain we are facing.

The abundance of resources, beyond fitting thematically, allows us to counter certain encounter cards. The lack of other resources won't be too noticeable thanks to Quincarrier, and Pym Particles.

The strengths and unique aspects of this deck are as follows :

1. A Fast Start:

  • It is advisable to play Assess the Situationas often as possible. The hand size capacities of the different forms are already quite good. Of course, when the need to spend them arises, don't hesitate (especially to summon Moon Girl or Professor X).
  • Since we prioritize using the alter-ego form, we draw heavily, and additionally, Meditation allows us to play expensive cards like Professor X, Ant-Man, Beast, or even Avengers Mansion, which is a big boost for drawing during the phase. Remember to use the alter-ego ability before drawing to increase the chances of getting key cards.
  • Moon Girl, playable only in alter-ego form, is again a card that will allow us to draw heavily. Needless to say, cards like Call for Backup, Med Lab, Rapid Response, and Helicarrier are not relevant for summoning Moon Girl.
  • The deck has a fairly good rotation thanks to Assess the Situation!! This card almost immediately replaces itself. In the worst case, they remain resources; in the best case, they increase your draw capacity — or, depending on how you look at it, the opposite could be true!
  • Additionally, the hand sizes in the different forms of Wasp are quite good. On a very good turn, you could end up with 9 or more cards in hand. In theory, for most games, we can assert that Assess the Situation and the 3 thwarted side schemes bring the deck down to 39 cards, which ensures an even better deck flow.

Important notes :

--->thanks to side schemes, we can use key supports and allies as resources in the first rounds of the game; the deck lightens up once supports are in play and side schemes are removed from the deck.

--->those are allies that ensure a quick game start: Maria Hill, Moon Girl, Ironheart, in addition to their support on the field.

--->the Cards to shuffle back into the deck to stick to the game plan are: Rapid Response, Moon Girl, Assess the Situation, Professor X (if Pixie is in the discard pile), Avengers Mansion (if we know that a Meditation is soon to be drawn to plan the next turn in alter-ego form), Inspiring Presence

Naturally, priorities depend on the situation.

2. Ally-Dependent Deck and control: 10 allies, including some of the best in the game: Ant-Man, Beast, Moon Girl, Squirrel Girl, Professor X.

  • The allies are varied and allow you to handle many different situations. Professor X can almost "confuse lock" the vilain while Beast can provide a steady flow of resources: sometimes adding a Pym Particles card may be more effective than Genius, especially if you want to draw more or heal.
  • Rapid Response and Med Lab allow you to recycle allies, especially Beast for the resources he provides or even Vivian to get out of uncomfortable situations (Vivian + Med Lab vs. Loki is a must-see, for example).
  • Inspiring Presence is one of the best Leadership cards when playing a hero with the Avenger trait.
  • Leadership Skill adds real value to using allies and is usable even in alter-ego form.
  • Call for Backup should be played as quickly as possible to call Professor X or Beast, depending on the situation.

Important Notes

---> Allies will do most of the work in this deck; there are no cards to ready the hero, so you will need to choose which ally to sacrifice and when, especially Beast if you want to maximize the benefits of Rapid Response and Med Lab; it is preferable to stay in hero form the turn Professor X is in play, but confusing the villain is what we will choose most of the time.

---> Front Line Specialist is the specialty I recommend the most, allowing us to adopt a strategy where we prefer to take the damage and thus relieve our allies (except for Beast if we have a Rapid Response in play or for Professor X).

Once Wasp is well-established at her desk and well-surrounded by her allies, her powerful cards will finish the job!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!