Doctor Strange Leads the Avengers v2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Madmortagan68 · 2

Hero Overview Dr Strange is one of the strongest characters in the game. His Invocation Deck and Event cards enable him to both deal high damage and remove a lot of threat. However, he inherently will struggle with crowd control and isn't able to attack/thwart consistently (he typically has strong turns every other turn and rarely is able to attack and thwart in the same turn). His greatest weakness is his low hit points combined with his inability to block (he can block, however doing so will exhaust him and thus eliminates his ability to use the invocation deck)

Enter the Leadership aspect, the perfect solution to overcome all of Dr Stange's weaknesses and further boost his strengths.

Deck Strategy: Allies serve several key purposes in this deck: they help accelerate Strange's growth in the early stages through strength in numbers, they enable strange to handle crowd control (Squirrel Girl in particular is helpful with this), and their primary purpose is to act as a shield for Dr. Strange by blocking/sacrificing themselves.

the 4 most important cards are Wong, The Eye of Agamotto,Cloak of Levitation, and Quincarrier. Once you have these 4 cards you are set. Wong will typically be used to discard to the top invocation card, the Cloak of Levitation will allow you to cast more than one invocation each turn, and the eye of Agamotto and Quincarrier will help you pay for everything

5 other cards that are of high importance are: The Sorcerer Supreme and Sanctum Sanctorum (both are a huge boost to card draw), then Avengers Tower and the two Quinjet (both will help you get allies in to play)

With such a large lists of key cards, your early turns will be about drawing as many cards as possible so that you can get these into your hand and ultimately into play. The first time through your deck allies will typically be used for resources and helping with card draw via Strength In Numbers. The Winds of Watoomb Invocation card is your best friend and should you ever manager to combine this with the Master of the Mystic Arts event card you will be able to draw at least 6 cards on your turn.

Once you establish the main cards I listed above, it's then a matter of getting those allies into play so that you can devote your resources/cards to Strange's Events and Invocations