General Walters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

acharlie1377 · 533

This deck is meant to get as many allies out as possible, and have them do most of the thwarting while She-Hulk gets to whale on the villain. Quinjet synergizes great with Hellcat, as you can get her recursion ability for free if you wait long enough. The Triskelion allows you to get out three allies in addition to Hellcat, so you never have to use an ally for their less efficient stat, and you can keep thwarting or blocking allies in play without wasting them on an attack. Lead from the Front pairs well with the extra ally from The Triskelion, and Make the Call works well with Maria Hill, Nick Fury, and Superhuman Law Division. Finally, Down Time helps mitigate the damage you take from Focused Rage, so you can get She-Hulk's hand size up with fewer repercussions.

She-Hulk wants to be flipping every single turn, and Leadership helps take the burden off her whenever she's in alter-ego form. Having allies attack for you also gives you more opportunities to heal, so She-Hulk can stay as healthy as you want her to.

You can read about how this deck evolved, and how it plays against each villain, at
