Card draw simulator
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Dayspring · 276
This was originally built quickly for a Reddit post request. Since then I have got to play test it. No notes. Does what it planned to do.
Like my other Bishop decks, this really leans into his Bishop's Rifle and Bishop's Uniform. It is fast. It is short on decisions. It is fun. It is stronger than it should be. It is essence of Bishop.
Discard everything to get Bishop's Rifle and Bishop's Uniform. They are the key components to the build and you really do not care what else you have to discard to get to them.
Get his Bishop's Rifle and Bishop's Uniform into play. If you are missing either play defensively while you cycle through deck to search. If either gets discarded, use your Alter Ego ability to grab it.
Once armed and dressed, Bishop can stay in Hero form. He tanks hits, heals, plays biggish damage. Try and use his activations for thwarting, but sometimes it is great to clear a tough, or eliminate a guard. Remember to use his Rifle before spending resources whenever possible. The glaring weakness is thwarting. This is where aggression actually comes in handy. "You'll Pay for That!" and Chase Them Down end up being pretty good thwart control.
Lockjaw can be played from discard pile. Do it when you don't have a better play and end up with a mitt of resources. You can use The Power in All of Us to play him
Malcolm and Randall can be fetched with AE ability. In a tight spot, like if you actually have to recover for some reason, you can dip into AE to grab one.
Psylocke can give you safe flip to AE, and is just a useful ally. Can be played with The Power of Aggression.
Sunfire is great at clearing out a pesky attachment. Especially because you should not be short on resources.
White Fox will likely get discarded... which is great! Free ally.
"You'll Pay for That!" is some much needed thwarting. Considering you WILL be getting punched in the face, it works great.
Chase Them Down is useful but a little situational. You have to defeat a minion or stage of villain. BUT it is free thwarting.
You also have 19 resources. So taking a hit should yield good pay out for healing. The deck doesn't thin much, which is one of the pros for some of the other high resource builds.
Deck thinning could be good. I would think about dropping both of the Chase Them Down for a Boot Camp and Endurance.