Card draw simulator
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Irulan · 8
After the X-Men stepped through the Siege Perilous to escape The Reavers, they were disseminated with various changes. Psylocke got her new asian body and an accelerated martial arts training from the Hand (before the retcon years later with Kwannon), then joined Wolverine & Jubilee in the search of the other missing X-Men.
Following the X-Tinction Agenda crossover, the X-Men saved the Professor X in space then confronted the The Shadow King. Then, too numberous after their reunion, the X-Men were separated in 2 teams: the Gold, and the Blue which interests us since Psylocke was inside.
The roster is complete, except Jubilee (if you abolutely want to add her, you have to get if from Wolverine's own cards or from the encounter card in Mutant Genesis). I've added Forge, who was then often present and helped since Muir Island Saga; plus the Professor X was back, staying in the X-Mansion whereas he was even part of the team just before.
"You Got This!" & Rally the Troops both feature Psylocke & Cyclops; there were some attraction between the two that never gone too far.
Psylocke then prefered to use her powers at the contact, jumping in action each time she could, hence Toe to Toe from Mutant Genesis.
All of the support cards were present in those days and often used. Same for Down Time and the Danger Room Training.
Another era Psylocke fluff deck; to get it valid, remove Rogue & Wolverine + Toe to Toe. You can add X-Men from the Gold team like Colossus, Storm or Phoenix, maybe "To Me, My X-Men!" instead. Or add Cable, Havok and Mutant Mayhem for the X-Tinction thematic