You get a Grant! You get a Grant! Everyone gets a Grant!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Man-is-Obsolete · 6479



I wanted to share a deck I have been having a lot of fun with. I have played it quite a bit and it has worked really well for me. I am going to call out one of the more ideal outcomes this deck is capable of but I have had a ton of success even when not achieving the highest end possible combo.

So here's an example of a sequence possible with this, view this as an almost Achievement Unlocked type sequence:

  • Start of turn Black Panther is in play with Make the Call attached

  • Use MtC to go get Grant Ward

  • Use Grant Ward once (twice with Command Team)

  • Use "You Got This!" to discard Grant Ward and boost Nick Fury and then ready Nick

  • Use a Make the Call in hand to bring back Grant Ward

  • Use Black Panther's last basic power to thwart or attack

  • Bring back Black Panther with Rapid Response and grab "You Got This!"

  • Use Grant Ward once or twice

  • Use "You Got This!" on Grant Ward and boost Nick Fury and then ready Nick

That totals up to at least 14-16 total damage/thwart that you can spread around however you want and could go much higher if you break cover and use Assault at all. You should also have a couple cards in hand still as well that Fury's Watch can help pay for and also do even more with Fury's Flying Car in play.

Granted that is quite a few cards in play and in hand but smaller versions of the combo is possible as well. You could simply have a "You Got This!" attached to Black Panther or just in hand then play Make the Call for Grant Ward, and that will deliver good value!

What's important is that feeling of flipping a bunch of switches and when it all comes together it has been a ton of fun to pull off. There are a few other possible combo plays that you can do with this deck (Kaluu recursion + "You Got This!" being a decent one) so you aren't solely in the Grant Ward or bust camp. If anything Black Panther is the real MVP of the deck.

Multiplayer (Con of Heroes)

There is a shell here that I think can be transferred to a lot of heroes. I tried it with Captain America and Colossus and had a great time there as well.

SO in a 4 player setting where people are running this shell you could really go full Oprah and have Grant flying around all over the place! Would love to give that a go sometime!

Cutting room floor:

I had Noble Sacrifice but just wasn't taking much damage, it is fantastic with other heroes, especially Colossus, running this package though!

I also had a couple more allies but felt more strongly about a 40 card deck here and using Call for Aid to get Grant into the discard.


Mar 02, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1991

Looks really fun, love seeing you got this!

Mar 02, 2025 theromeo3517 · 2213


Love some leadership shenanigans! Great to have a way to get Grant off the table for the villain phase while still having him contribute a ton