Deft Duo v3.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bthemeans · 45

v3.0 Edit:

-1 Lead from the Front to make room for
+1 R&D Facility because it only costs 1 more to provide a similar benefit three times with flexible timing. It only targets 1 character, but this deck never has many characters out at a time, making the repeated and flexible timing a bigger advantage. This card also adds +1 support option that qualifies for Build Support if you also happen to have fellow players that frequently use that card with you in multiplayer.

-1 Pixie because Sisterhood and 2x Suit Up already provide plenty of ways to pull Honey Badger from anywhere, while Pixie only pulls from the discard pile.
+1 Cyclops because his damage buff multiplies across the repeated attacks from X-23 and Honey Badger. It also continues into other player turns in multiplayer until the complete end of the Player Phase, so playing Cyclops is ideal if you are first player for that round.

v2.0 Edit:

-1 X-Gene because Grim Resolve and Clarity of Purpose already fulfill that purpose better due to the readying mechanics and ability to pay for any card. There are only 2 identity-specific events that require 1 mana anyway, so X-Gene was very situational and not used most turns.

-1 Command Team because there are already many ways to ready to the point that Honey Badger would run out of HP anyway. 1 copy of Command Team may be enough since there are already 3 copies of Game Time to ready, which also provide the essential HP. Game Time requires Danger Room Training, but the 2 copies of Suit Up can help search for that.

+1 Inspired to further buff Honey Badger

+1 Sidearm especially to give Honey Badger the Ranged ability to help protect her from Retaliate.

In the v1.0 version, I originally hesitated to spend more to further Voltron-buff Honey Badger because she drops everything when she leaves play. It is difficult to stop Laura's obligation Self-Isolation from pulling Honey Badger out of play, sending all of her attachments to the discard pile. However, I think the benefits of those buffs outweigh the risks due to how repeatedly Honey Badger can attack or thwart. Any buffs on her seem to pay of very quickly.


Mar 13, 2025 Smileybob · 20
