Sam and Kamala - BFFs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Potatomash12 · 1

Nova and Ms. Marvel make a good duo. Let's keep them Side-by-Side. Many times per turn.

Q: Will this deck put out humongous damage on the order with the biggest, juiciest decks?

A: No

Q: Is it fun to play Side-by-Side a minimum of 3x a turn and steadily chip away at your foe?

A: Absolutely

Suit Up your ally if you don't get Sidekick turn one, then invest in your inHuman Resources as the game goes with Team Training and a Reinforced Suit. After that, it's a good day to talk yourself up with a Morale Boost and begin the loop by recurring Side-by-Side either healing to get longer hero form time or pushing forward with progressive stat boosts. Make sure to have your buddies help Build Support so you can get your very own Quincarrier to pay for all your Pot Shots.